Friday, 31 July 2009

Tuesday 7th December 1993

Drank 4 cans of Guiness draught bitter. Thats excellent for me as these are not a strong beer and sticking to 4 for me is quite an achievement. Im suprised I didn't go back to the Co-op and fetch more booze. Cooked 36 sausages so that I can eat them at random. Cold sausage and mustard sandwiches are lush. One must never forget the mustard tho. Mustard has the ability to make even the most boring meal come alive. Mustard: Sauce of the Gods haha :)
Im proud of myself sticking to 4 cans today. I know this control won't last but its fun while it does last. The control is a trick by the disease of alcoholism into conning the alcoholic into believing they can drink again. But it doesn't con me. I KNOW the trick, and I KNOW that drinking a little leads to drinking too much. I understand the tricks even when they're being played on myself, the difference with me is I recognise all the motions therefore I just let it humour me. The trouble with tricks is eventually you come to the head trickster and thats ME.

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