Thursday, 30 July 2009

Friday 19th November 1993

What a day!! Yes another what a day!! Pish knows what happened, its a kind of blur (and blurs CAN be kind). I know I smoked again :( and as Ive said, I despise smoking, it is a mark of Cain more terrible to me than any of my other vices. I also remember walking down to Tan Y Bryn to buy vodka in Gummer's shop but the rest of the day and night is awash under a blanket of booze and pills. Why did I go to Gummer's shop for vodka? The Co-op is only down the road. And Im not the type who gets ashamed from going to the same place to buy booze. My attitude is 'serve me the damned sauce madam, I care little to nothing your thoughts toward me!!'
Perhaps I thought I could do with the exercise??

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